Annual Meeting — 2/12/24

Call to Order:

Vice President Mike Null called the Annual meeting to order at 5:37 PM.

Members in attendance included the following: Mike Null, Laura Null, Joe Hinkle, and Linda Williams.

President Dolly Robinson joined the meeting via telephone.

Approval of Annual Minutes:

Minutes of February 13, 2023 meeting were reviewed; containing the Election of Officers and Board of Directors for 2023. Motion was made by L. Null to approve the February 13, 2023 Minutes; seconded by J. Hinkle.

The motion carried unanimously.

Proposed Amendments to By-Laws: Vice President Mike Null provided two proposed amendments to the By-laws of Lake City Columbia Community Tennis Association (LCCCTA), Inc. on February 12, 2024:



Add the following to the end of the paragraph: “Composition of the Board of Directors may include ‘Ex-Officio’ as non-voting members that have interest in promoting tennis; such members may attend meetings and participate in discussions.”



Change the following sentence: Any person may hold two or more offices at one time except the offices of President and Secretary, provided the duties thereof can be consistently performed by the same person.

VP Null explained how the amendments propose to change the organizational structure, allowing Ex-Officio members to attend meetings and participate in discussion, but not vote. In addition, an exception is proposed to allow the position of Secretary to hold two or more offices at one time.

A motion was made by J. Hinkle to approve proposed amendments to the By-laws; seconded by L. Hunter-Null.

The motion carried unanimously.

LCCCTA Youth and Adult Activities list:

L. Williams provided the Board with a list of all LCCCTA program activities in chronological order since Fall 2016. The document was created to be amended and distributed at LCCCTA annual meetings.

Financial Report:

J. Hinkle provided the Financial Report as of February 12, 2024. The account balance is $3,805.46, including funding from Youth Tennis Foundation (YTF) of FL, allocated to LCCCTA’s Youth Tennis Camps.

L. Williams will coordinate with J. Hinkle a time to change names on the bank account signature cards.

Special Correspondence:

President Dolly Robinson (2015-2024), provided a letter to the LCCCTA Board:

Lake City Columbia Community Tennis Association Board,

Over the past 10 years, I have had the opportunity to work with an incredible group of people who share a common interest in the sport of tennis. In 2015, the group gave me the opportunity to serve as the President of the organization. Together we developed a high functioning association. Talented people stepped up and shared their knowledge. We formulated our mission statement and purpose, incorporated with the State of Florida as a 501 C3, wrote by-laws, consulted an Attorney and a CPA, acquired a tax exemption status, became a CTA with the USTA, acquired necessary insurance, set monthly meeting dates, developed an attractive logo, attended many Tourist Development Council meetings, met Columbia County Commissioners and made numerous presentations to create a tennis center and worked with the Lake City Council to develop new tennis courts.

With the cooperation of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Lake City and the Richardson Community Center, we conducted tennis camps for 100s of their children as well as local students. Upon completion of the beautiful new tennis courts at Young’s Park, Tennis activities for both children and adults have increased. USTA Net Generation, USTA Florida, Youth Tennis Foundation of Florida, Suwannee Valley Community Foundation, banner sponsors and individual donors have supported us through the years.

We have had wonderful board members who have volunteered with our activities, too many to name here. But I would be remiss not to mention individually the officers who have served with me for the longest time. Without each of them, we wouldn’t be an US: Mike Null, Linda Williams, and Joe Hinkle. Thank you for your support, your confidence and your expertise. I appreciate the Commendation letter, the beautiful plaque and the lovely bracelet. All so very thoughtful!

I look forward to more wonderful things that you will accomplish. You will always have my support, your biggest advocate. Nothing‘s going to stop US now!

Dolly Robinson
LCCCTA President 2015-2024

Nomination & Election of Board Members:

L. Hunter-Null, Chair of the Nomination Committee, presented a slate of ten (10) names for consideration to serve as Board of Directors of LCCCTA for the new year starting immediately at the conclusion of the 2024 Annual meeting.

The proposed slate of directors included: Mike Null, Linda Williams, Joe Hinkle, Anjan Viplav, Liza Viplav, Laura Hunter-Null, Tara Bell, Debbi Carter, Nelson Rivera, and John Batlle, III, D.M.D.

Motion was made by L. Null to approve the slate of proposed Board of Directors for the new year; seconded by L. Williams. The motion carried unanimously.

L. Hunter-Null, Chair of the Nomination Committee, presented a slate of three (3) names for consideration to serve as (non-voting) Ex-Officio Members of LCCCTA for the new year starting immediately at the conclusion of the 2024 Annual meeting.

The proposed slate of Ex-Officio members included: George English, USTA-Florida representative; Mark Mansbach, local PTR Certified Tennis Instructor, and Dolly Robinson, Immediate Past president.

Motion was made by J. Hinkle to approve the slate of proposed Ex-Officio members for the new year; seconded by L. Williams. The motion carried unanimously.

L. Hunter-Null, Chair of the Nomination Committee, presented a slate of three (3) names for consideration to serve as Officers of LCCCTA for the new year starting immediately at the conclusion of the 2024 Annual meeting.

The proposed slate of Officers included: Mike Null, President; Linda Williams, Vice President/Secretary; and Joe Hinkle, Treasurer.

Motion was made by L. Hunter-Null to approve the slate of proposed Officers for the new year; seconded by J. Hinkle. The motion carried unanimously.

President M. Null expressed appreciation to all 2024 LCCCTA members; also, to Dr. John Batlle, joining LCCCTA’s Board of Directors.

President Null adjourned the annual meeting at 6:01 PM.


Board Meeting — 11/11/24


The Health Benefits of Tennis