Board Meeting — 4/12/21

Call to Order: President Dolly Robinson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.

Members present included: Dolly Robinson, Mike Null, Joe Hinkle, Laura Hunter Null, Mark Mansbach, Laura Hunter, Glenn Hunter, and Linda Williams.

No special guests who attended the meeting; however, emailed information was provided and read to the meeting participants by L. Williams.

USTA Florida Tennis Representative, George English, said he is now able to travel on a limited basis with USTA approval and plans to attend the LCCCTA June Board meeting.

Pierce Kelley of Youth Tennis Foundation (YTF) said he would not be able to attend the meeting, but wanted to congratulate the LCCCTA Board on what they have accomplished with the Youth

Team Tennis Program which began on April 5th.

In the email, Mr. Kelley said LCCCTA is extraordinary.

The Minutes of the March 8, 2021Board Meeting were reviewed.

A motion was made by M. Null to approve the 2/8/21 minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by G. Hunter, and the motion carried unanimously.

G. Hunter suggested the City Manager receive future LCCCTA Minutes so the City of Lake City can manage/monitor Young’s Park tennis court activities, plus have written documentation in the event of possible questions.

L. Williams will add the City Manager to the LCCCTA group email distribution list.

President D. Robinson provided an update on the Spring Youth Team Tennis (YTT) Program which began on April 5th. The program had approximately 24 participants during the first week and D. Robinson expects to have approximately 27 participants for the remaining weeks.

The Youth Team Tennis Program has been divided into four teams, based upon participant skill levels. The teams are named by color; the red team, the orange team, the green team, and the yellow team.

L. Williams has ordered round buttons so each player will know the team they represent and they can wear their colored team badges during tennis play.

L. Williams has also ordered t-shirts for each player containing the logos of both LCCCTA and Youth Tennis Foundation (YTF), who provided the generous funding of $1500 for this youth program.

D. Robinson expressed gratitude to Coach M. Mansbach, as well as all the volunteers and coaches who have assisted and continue to assist with Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, as well as Saturday morning tennis activities.

D. Robinson provided a summary of improvements made to the inside of the Little Blue Pro Shop

with the $1500 requested and provided by Pierce Kelley of YTF—dedicated specifically for this project.

Electrical wiring, lighting, air conditioning, and wall insulation have been completed by contractors and volunteers.

In addition, M. Null reminded LCCCTA board members that LED lighting was donated by a family member of M. Mansbach, who is also researching wall materials to cover the insulation.

G. Hunter suggested using green board for that purpose because it is moisture resistant.

G. Hunter inquired about having designed space within the interior of the pro shop and

D. Robinson stated we would use future funding for the purpose of organizing the space.

M. Null suggested utilizing plastic shelving units for both the pro shop and the metal equipment shed so moisture/water won’t damage the tennis equipment.

M. Null provided an equipment update; the USTA grant requires that only specific equipment can be requested.

M. Null applied for tennis equipment needed by LCCCTA, which would have cost $446.16. The grant request was approved (and verified by George English of USTA FL) on April 9, 2021 and the following tennis items will be shipped this week:

(4) 25” tennis racquets, (12) 27” (adult) tennis racquets, 3 dozen orange tennis balls, and 4 cases of yellow tennis balls.

M. Null reminded everyone that all of LCCCTA’s youth tennis equipment/supplies has been provided through grant funding from both USTA FL and Net Generation.

D. Robinson asked M. Null to ask the City’s director of public works to assist in the installation of the 16’ X 8’ fiberglass backboard on the Madison Street fence of court #4.

M. Null said he will also request the status of the keycard access system, and also the status of the shelter to be placed adjacent to the tennis courts.

L. Williams will contact the Community Program Manager to also request the status of the tennis courts’ keycard installation.

D. Robinson suggested getting hurricane-rated sails (that have poles inserted in concrete) to place over the metal bleachers to provide shade for tennis spectators.

Since M. Null said the cost would be very expensive, L. Hunter-Null proposed LCCCTA look into obtaining a local community sponsor to assist with the cost.

M. Mansbach recommended LCCCTA purchase a large net to separate court 3 from the instruction and coaching occurring on court 4.

J. Hinkle provided the Treasurer’s Report for April.

The current balance in the bank account is $2,295.23.

J. Hinkle added there is $382.29 remaining from the equipment grant funding provided by Suwannee Valley Community Foundation.

D. Robinson expressed appreciation that L. Williams posted several laminated Youth Team Tennis schedules (visible on the fences and near the gates) for Tues. and Thurs. afternoons and Sat. mornings for the six-week spring program (4/5-5/22), so the public knows Young’s Park tennis courts are reserved during those times.

In addition, she thanked L. Williams for providing clear water-resistant folders to contain LCCCTA’s Participant Waiver & Release form, LCCCTA’s Partner Form, City of Lake City’s Tennis Facility Usage Application form, and Columbia County Sheriff’s Dept. Background Check form.

D. Robinson also expressed appreciation to M. Null for installing a plastic organizer on the outside of the pro shop for the forms listed above.

D. Robinson asked L. Williams to provide a report at the May meeting as to the activity of our TENNIS CONNECTIONS link on both Facebook and the LCCCTA website.

The link allows LCCCTA board members, Tennis Partners, and anyone following LCCCTA on social media to make contact with others interested in playing tennis.

Regarding new business, D. Robinson asked members for dates to conduct LCCCTA’s Youth Summer Tennis Camp, which will begin after the Spring YTT Program ends on May 22nd.

Discussion involved Coach M. Mansbach, who provided tentative dates for June and July.

M. Null made a motion that LCCCTA sponsor a Youth Summer Tennis Camp during the months of June and July. L. Hunter-Null seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.

M. Null recommended LCCCTA create revenue to pay for professional tennis instruction and coaching by adding participant fees to future tennis events conducted by our sanctioned organization, LCCCTA.

M. Null asked J. Hinkle to carefully monitor individual contracted services paid by LCCCTA.

As Board Treasurer, J. Hinkle will need to collect names, addresses, and social security numbers of those individuals.

Annual payments for each contractor who exceeds $600 will require that LCCCTA report each individual on the IRS form, 1099-NEC.

M. Null asked Coach M. Mansbach to please provide the Board members a proposal for a Summer Adult Tennis Clinic to be conducted two nights a week for three weeks in the evenings.

D. Robinson suggested LCCCTA begin an Adult Tennis League once participants complete the summer clinic.

President Robinson announced the next Board meeting is set for May 10, 2021.

There being no further formal business, President Robinson adjourned the meeting at 6:50 PM.


Tennis Participation in Florida Surges in 2020, Physical Activity Council Report Finds


Youth Team Tennis