Youth Tennis Camp (Spring 2022)
Join us for our Youth Tennis Camp (4 weeks at Young’s Park)
Registration and payment due Tuesday, April 19, 2022
*NOTE: Registration forms may be printed from the link on LCCCTA’s Facebook page OR completed at the tennis pro shop and returned to the pro shop prior to the 4/19 payment date. Space is limited in both groups!
Tennis Camp Skills Training for 7th-12th graders:
Each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:30-5:30 PM
Cost: $25 (check or cash)
Week One: Tues., April 19 and Thurs., April 21
Week Two: Tues., April 26 and Thurs., April 28
Week Three: Tues., May 3 and Thurs., May 5
Week Four: Tues., May 10 and Thurs., May 12
Tennis Camp Skills Training for 3rd-6th graders:
Each Tues. afternoon from 3:45-4:30pm
Cost: $15 (check or cash)
Week One: Tues., April 19
Week Two: Tues., April 26
Week Three: Tues., May 3
Week Four: Tues., May 10