Board Meeting - July 6, 2015
Call to Order: Committee Chairman Glenn Hunter called meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Those in attendance included: Glenn Hunter, David Porter, John Lear, Thomas Moore, Dolly Robinson James, Montgomery, Nelson Rivera, and Joe Hinkle.A presentation was given by Dave Porter, Director of Tennis at the Jonesville Tennis Center.Highlights of his presentation on the center included:The center has 14 clay courts which are owned by the county but managed by Mr. Porter who collects court fees and funds normal maintenance of the courts.Funding for the courts was provided by Mr. Porter ($200,000), private donations ($300,000) and Alachua County ($900,000).It took approximately four years to complete the project.Estimated cost per court with lights, hard $40-45,000, clay $50-$60,000.Court charges $4.00/person1 1.5 hours, lessons $45-$55/hour.Examples of annual court expenses: clay: 400 bags @ $10-$14/bag, Insurance: $5,000, workman's comp: $2,000.Need county support to have a tennis complex along with private donations.USTA may supply up to 50% matching funds for new court construction.First step is to obtain property, donations for purchase of property is tax deductible.Mr. Porter agreed to provide our committee with specific information on the economic benefits of the Jonesville Tennis Center.Welch Tennis is probably best company for court construction.LCCCTA Dolly Robinson received the Employer Identification Number for the LCCCTA.Membership drive is scheduled for August 1.Mr. Montgomery will send article to Lake City Reporter on history of tennis in Columbia County and Tom Moore will assist in getting some info in Reporter on the membership drive.Next meeting for TDC Sports Committee for Tennis Complex is scheduled for August 3 at 5:30 PM