Board Meeting — 5/13/24
Call to Order / Welcome
President Mike Null called the Board Meeting to order at 5:38 PM and welcomed guests. Members in attendance included the following: Mike Null, Laura Null, Joe Hinkle, and Linda Williams.
Eshu Xi Amaru was welcomed by President M. Null who provided the history of how LCCCTA was formed. President M. Null also named LCCCTA youth and adult activities/events provided to the community, as well as significant sponsors who have provided funding for programs, equipment, and supplies.
Approval of Minutes
Laura Null made a motion to approve the Minutes of the March 11th Board Meeting; seconded by Treasurer J. Hinkle, and the motion carried unanimously.
USTA FL Report
George English (USTA FL representative) was unavailable to attend the meeting, however President M. Null brought a USTA Florida Event Kit containing a 75th Anniversary banner, a towel, and various items to distribute and promote tennis in Florida. The beautiful banner will be hung on the fence at the tennis courts and the USTA Florida 75th Anniversary towel will be presented as a gift to our Adult Tennis Coordinator, who has actively worked to increase participation in our community adult tennis.
G. English shared with M. Null that community youth / adult tennis events hosted during May’s National Tennis Month can be directly promoted by USTA Florida.
G. English previously notified M. Null that LCCCTA’s application for tennis supplies and equipment was approved for $617.87 by the USTA Foundation.
President M. Null provided his appreciation to City and County government agencies at the May 6th City Council Meeting. He thanked them for providing quality of life facilities and planting seeds for the future.
President M. Null recognized USTA Florida and LCCCTA members in attendance: George English, Mark Mansbach, Laura Null, Dolly Robinson, Joe Hinkle, and Linda Williams who were attending the City’s Proclamation—declaring May to be National Tennis Month. A photo and caption were published in the Lake City Reporter a few days later.
President M. Null provided an update regarding the center bleacher shade. He expects the shade will take a week to be erected and be ready for the June summer youth tennis camp.
President M. Null reminded the group that a large banner will be provided by LCCCTA to recognize the County’s generous contribution of a bleacher shade for our 501(c)(3) entity. He added that a small ceremony should be coordinated during the summer camp to dedicate the awning, as well as recognize those individuals responsible for funding and providing this much needed facility asset.
President M. Null suggested that LCCCTA consider hosting a “Coach Mark Mansbach Day” in early Fall to recognize how much Coach Mansbach contributes to our community through various in-kind and volunteer services, in addition to providing tennis instruction to players of all ages.
VP/Secretary L. Williams provided a summary of LCCCTA’s Spring Youth Tennis Camp. The three-week youth tennis camp had 22 participants between the ages of 6-17 years old. Since LCCCTA provided 7 volunteer coaches and one camp director, players had opportunities to play more frequently, and therefore, improved very quickly. Funding and support for the camp were provided by Youth Tennis Foundation (YTF) of FL. On the final day, refreshments were enjoyed by all participants, with a veteran player baking special treats for the occasion. .
The upcoming 7th Annual Montgomery Summer Youth Camp will last three weeks and begin on June 4th. Online registration is now open and the $25 fee per participant can be paid during registration on the first day, June 4, 2024. Waiver and Release forms will also be signed by parents at the time of participant registration on June 4, 2024.
Treasurer J. Hinkle will be available to assist L. Williams with the registration process.
M. Null suggested LCCCTA offer limited scholarships to those players who may not have funds for the camp, so L. Williams will ensure an online LCCCTA link is available for parents to submit their applications to be considered for registration fees to be waived.
Linda Williams will order a new YTF banner to place on the north side of the tennis courts. The backboard will be relocated from the south side of the tennis courts to the north side of the courts for safety reasons.
LCCCTA was recognized with a youth camp group photo in the March / April edition of Florida Tennis Magazine and L. Williams shared this with the Board.
L. Williams verified that all volunteer coaches working with young players in LCCCTA camp programs have been certified by the US Center for Sports/Safe Play.
Treasurer J. Hinkle provided a current financial report showing a bank balance of $4,948.94 with all checks clearing as of May 13, 2024. The general account has a balance of $3,213.71, the YTF account contains $1,568.00, and the Adult League account has a $167.23 balance.
New Business
J. Hinkle suggested purchasing an additional bench for each court, as there is not enough space on the single bench for players to rest.
M. Null will check the purchase price of the current benches and there will be further discussion.
M. Null recommended our LCCCTA Tennis Partners be contacted so they have an opportunity to support LCCCTA through donations. Purchasing business/individual Banner sponsorships, providing funding for tennis programs and equipment, as well as providing funds for youth scholarships (fee waivers) are ways youth tennis can be promoted and prosper in our community.
L. Williams will send an amil to LCCCTA Tennis Partners thanking them for their support and asking them to kindly consider this request.
L. Williams reported three local private elementary schools are very interested in having tennis taught to their students through USTA FL’s Net Generation Program. They are considering afterschool programs and/or SHAPE lesson plans provided by USTA FL to their PE instructors. L. Williams will provide school contact information to George English prior to August.
M. Null provided a brief report for Debbi Carter who was unable to attend the meeting. There are several community tennis courts located in Columbia County and they are individually posted under “Resources” on the LCCCTA website. The community tennis courts may be available should the Young’s Park public tennis courts be full.
D. Carter requested the Tuesday Tennis Social time be moved to 6:00 PM.
Eshu Xi Amaru made a motion to move the time from 6:30 PM to 6:00 PM; seconded by Linda Williams, and the motion carried unanimously.
Eshu Xi Amaru expressed interest in gaining additional teaching methods training.
M. Null will check with George English to see if there might be a USTA FL training session in the fall.
Laura Hunter-Null made a motion to adjourn the May Board Meeting; seconded by L. Williams, and the motion carried unanimously.
President M. Null adjourned the meeting at 7:11 PM.