Planning Meeting — 2/9/15

Call to Order: Chairman Glenn Hunter called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Those in attendance included: Glenn Hunter, Dolly Robinson, John Lear, Pierce Kelley, James Montgomery, Joe Hinkle, guest - Dr. Anne Koterba and arriving later Nelson Rivera and Mike Null.

Old Business: None

New Business: Glenn Hunter gave a brief report on the new alignment of the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee for the tennis complex will now fall under the Sports Committee of the TDC, including Kelly Lowrey and Paula Vann.

Other New Business: John Lear introduced guest, Anne Koterba, DVM, PhD, of the Gainesville Area Commuity Tennis Association, Inc. Dr. Koterba was instrumental in establishing the Jonesville Sports Complex. She provided an outline of the accomplishments and activities of the Gainesville Area Community Tennis Association (GACTA) for the 2014 calendar year (attached and made part of these minutes). The GACTA is ten years old. The GACTA web site is:

Dr. Koterba suggested this committee to establish a mission statement that should place an emphasis on growing tennis within our community. She suggested while keeping it short, the mission statement should provide a vision for what this organization wants to accomplish with a tennis complex. She outlined the need for fund raising and identifying potential partners.

She stressed the importance of identifying "What is in it for Them" when reaching out to the various partners and sponsors. She also provided a number of potential grant sources that our committee should consider. She stated in her opinion, Lake City is in a good location to pull from North Florida and South Georgia. She also opined that since there is no other tennis organization within our community, then we are able to pull our resources in one unified effort and direction.

President Robinson announced that the next meeting on March 9th, 2015 would be to formally establish the GCTA organization.

P. Kelley provided information for the filing of the 501(c)(3).

Next meeting date: The GCTA will meet on March 9th, 2015 at 5:30 PM.


Planning Meeting — 3/9/15


Planning Meeting — 1/12/15